New City Hall Viewing Tower

Information centres


November - March: Mon-Sun 9:00 - 17:00
April - October: Mon-Sun 9:00 - 19:00

TROLLEYBUS 101, 102, 106
("Nová radnice" trolleybus stop)
("Most pionýrů" trolleybus stop)

The tourist information office is situated inside the New City Hall building on the 6th floor. From this information office you can take a lift to the city hall's viewing tower which offers a wonderful panorama of the city.

The access to the top of the New City Hall Viewing Tower is barrier-free (lifts) so even those with mobility difficulties can admire the view. The barrier-free entrance to the building is situated to the right side of the main door. Ring the doorbell and the personel will come to help.


  • information about Ostrava and its surroundings: things to see and do, getting around, where to stay, food and drink, cultural and sport events, maps and guides
  • public transport tickets
  • LEO Express train and bus tickets
  • Beskydy Card discount cards
  • guided coach and walking tours of Ostrava (more info HERE)
  • tickets for cultural and sport events held in Ostrava, in the Czech Republic or even abroad (our ticket partners HERE)
  • Ostrava-themed souvenirs and books
  • copying and scanning services
  • free WI-FI
  • accepted payment methods: cash, payment card
  • 10% off on selected souvenirs for OSTRAVACARD!!! holders

We are looking forward to your visit!

We are a member of The Association of Tourist Information Centres of the Czech Republic.

Infocentrum VěžInfocentrum VěžVyhlídková věž OstravaInfocentrum VěžInfocentrum VěžInfocentrum VěžVyhlídková věž OstravaInfocentrum Věž

New City Hall Viewing Tower

Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Phone: +420 599 443 096

Phone: +420 602 712 920



Visit Ostrava